New stylistic department in Kyiv University

5 октября 2016

In June 2016 as a result of reorganization of the Institute of philology of Kyiv national Taras Shevchenko university (Ukraine) a new department of the stylistics and language communication was created. The Honored worker of science and technique of Ukraine, doctor of philology, professor, deputy head of the Ukrainian committee of Slavists, famous scientist in stylistics and medialinguistics Larisa Shevchenko has been appointed a head of a new chair.

Creating of a new department is objectified by modern requirements for university education in Ukraine and trends in the development of innovative directions in world linguistics, the introduction of educational specializations on medialinguistics and linguistic expertise to the didactics of high school programs.

The staff of the department has a great academic and professional experience. The lecturers of the department issued more than two dozen different types of lexicographical publications on sectoral areas — European and comparative law, jurisprudence, medicine. Within the project "Ideas, personalities, texts in the Ukrainian culture", edited by professor Larisa Shevchenko, there were created innovative glossary of terms and concepts of medialinguistics and jurislinguistics, monographs, textbooks and manuals on stylistics of Ukrainian literary language.

The department also publishes the international periodical scientific edition "Actual issues of Ukrainian linguistics: theiry and practice" (chief editor — prof. L. Shevchenko), that has regular stylistic and medialinguistic rubrics.

The relevant tasks of the department are connected with system work on new research projects, in particular, the publication of the annual dictionary of new words and phraseological units in the Ukrainian media, the first Ukrainian textbooks on medialinguistics and linguistic expertise, with creation of innovative programs on modern trends in stylistics — linguistic expertology, mediastylistics, business linguistics, political linguistics, with developing of research themes in language of Internet communication, advertising and PR-discourses, print media, television and radio.

Among the priorities of the department it is important to mention the extension, intensification and establishment of new international relations, taking into account global scientific and cultural perspective of modern linguistics, raising the status of Kyiv university and department in international scientific communication, the strengthening of established scientific relations with the departments and universities in Europe and the world. The profitable continual collaboration of the department in international institutions and organizations, such as the International committee of slavists, Days of Ukrainian science in Macedonia, the regular conferences in Poland, Macedonia, Belarus, South Korea, Russia and other countries should define perspectives in the activities of the department to unify its intellectual potential for the development of modern linguistics.

Dmytro Syzonov, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University

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