The scientific-practical seminar on media linguistics, Saint-Petersburg, April 17-19, 2019

2 января 2019

Media Linguistic Commission under the International Committee of Slavists together with St. Petersburg State University ("Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communication" Institute) invite you to take part in the in the scientific-practical seminar on media linguistics, which will be held in Saint-Petersburg State University as part of the annual Scientific International Media Forum (SMIF) on April 17-19, 2019.

The seminar’s issues

Ontological questions оf media linguistics

Moderators: Viktoria Vasileva, St. Petersburg State University,; Victor Ivchenkov, Belarusian State University.

Secretary: Camilla Pusurmanova,

Questions for discussion:

– Media linguistics and media theory: interaction of scientific disciplines.

– Media linguistics among the linguistic disciplines.

– The structure of the media linguistics.

–    Research methods for media linguistics.

Media stylistics as an analytical vector of media linguistics

Moderators: Vladimir Konkov, St. Petersburg State University,; Elena Kara-Murza, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Secretary: Anastasia Samsonova,

Questions for discussion:

– Stylistic differentiation of media speech.

– Typology of texts in the media.

– Professional styles in media.

–    Texts creation in the professional sphere: the aspect of norms and technologies.

Media speech grammar as a vector of media linguistics: the more important analytical approaches

Moderators: Tamara Redkina, St. Petersburg State University,; Tatiana Shmeleva, Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University.

Secretary: Anna Zhavoronkova,

Questions for discussion:

– Principles of media linguistic approach to the grammar of media speech.

– Language and media speech approaches to functional semantic fields.

– Reference, modality and communicative axes of media speech grammar.

–    Grammar in media education: is there a request for update?

Tasks of media discourse analysis

Moderators: Lilia Duskaeva, St. Petersburg State University,; Irina Annenkova, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Secretary: Sofia Kulazhko,

Questions for discussion:

– Principles of news discourse research.

– Linguistic definition of media discourse.

– Linguistic approaches to the study of intertextual relations.

–    Typical speech features of independent semantic positions of media communication participants.

Critique of media speech

Moderators: Natalia Tsvetova, St. Petersburg State University,; Lyudmila Saenkova, Belarusian State University.

Secretary: Anna Andripolskaya,

Questions for discussion:

- Criticism of media speech and media criticism: the relationship of concepts

– "Media abuse" as a subject of critical discourse analysis.

– Text production in the professional sphere: the aspect of norms and technologies.

– Development of praxeological norms in the media text.

– The conflict of ethics and illocution in a professional media environment.

-    Aesthetic qualities of media text as an object of criticism of media speech.

For participation in the seminar you need to register by paying the registration fee:

By the beginning of the Forum will be a collection of the papers: "Media in the modern world. St. Petersburg readings: 58th Intern. forum (17-19 April 2019)". The collection is itemized on the platform of Elibrary and is indexed in RSCI (materials of the collection have the status of scientific articles).

Requirements to publications and detailed information about the Forum can be found in the newsletter (in Russian) and on the website of the Forum:


The website of the Forum:

Media linguistics department of St. Petersburg State University:

Organizing committee

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