Cultural variety and style”: results of international conference in Opole

27 октября 2014

One of the most prestigious international stylistic conferences “Cultural variety and style” was opened at 18th September in Opole (Poland). The 24th conference is organized by the department of stylistics (Institute of Polish Studies and Culture, Opole University). The researchers from different Slavic countries arrived to Poland. More than 50 participants from Poland, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Russia were announced at the conference program.

The host side was represented by such famous scientists as Stanislaw Gajda, Bozena Witosz, Maria Woitak and others. The leading scientists, representatives of mediastylistics, came from Russia: I. Annenkova, E. Bazhenova, L. Duskaeva, E. Kara-Murza, N. Klushina, T. Chernyshova and others.

Traditional plenary session opened the conference. Reports of plenary session were: “Values and styles in the era of consumption culture” by Bozena Witosz, “Cultural variety and typology of styles” by Stanislaw Gajda, “Variety of mental schemes, scripts and cultural stereotypes and style (styles)” by Lilia Duskaeva, “Style as a category of inter-cultural linguistics” by Alexander Kiklevich.

According to tradition of scientific conferences in Poland discussion and questions followed after all reports. Heated argument was developed after plenary session. It gave evidence of actuality and novelty of reports. Public showed deep interest to the topics.

Discussions at sections were not less interesting. Reports devoted to mediastylistic problems caused sincere interest. The reports were about information genres in mass media, re-write news text, phatic genres styles in mass media, commerce and social advertising, functional and stylistic specialties of modern media texts, sacredness in media-centred culture and others.

The results of conference were summed up at the final plenary session.

Natalia Kornilova, St. Petersburg University

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