“Multimodal сommunication: perspectives from cultural linguistics, didactics and values studies”, May 13-15, 2015

14 января 2015

The 3d International Conference “Multimodal сommunication: perspectives from cultural linguistics, didactics and values studies”, May 13-15, 2015 will be held in St.Petersburg State Polytechnical University (Russia, 195251, St.Petersburg, 29, Polytechnicheskaya St. 19)

The conference is intended to cover the following topics:

Semiotic complexity of communication: Linguistic, pragmatic and cultural characteristics of various texts and discourses, multimodal texts.

Culture specific texts: Multimodal texts, polyphony in the text and discourse. Hypertext. Language of the Internet. The interaction of linguistic and non-linguistic codes in different discourses (political, advertising, historical, etc.) Code swiching.

Verbal communication in cross-cultural terms: The problem of cultural boundaries. Linguistic identity as a reflection of cultural code. Language and ideology. Mental conflicts and ways to overcome them.

Theory and practice of translation within the scope of cultural interaction: Translation in terms of linguistic and cultural code transfer. Translation studies and machine translation. Polylinguism. LSP in the multicultural society.

Innovations and educational process: Issues of Teaching Methodology. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of civic identity formation in the educational environment. Multimedia in communication. Linguistic support of innovative educational environment: e-libraries, online dictionaries, computer-aided teaching methodology, e-learning.

We are planning to hold a round table on “Russian studies in the post-Soviet era: language, culture, history". The organizing committee welcomes applications to report the problem (15 min) and to participate in the general discussion (5-7 min).

Languages – Russian and English.

Program Co-Chairs:

Larissa Beliaeva, Doctor of Linguistics, Professor,

Maria Akopova, Doctor of Education, Professor, Director of the Institute of Humanities.

Important dates:

April 1, 2015 – Deadline for submitting conference papers.

Submission Procedure:

Conference Application, Abstracts and requirements about accommodation are to be submitted electronically via e-mail to: tcherniavskaia@rambler.ru

Format Requirements:

2 pages

Font – Times New Roman 14

Margins:     top – 20 mm

        bottom – 20 mm

        right – 20 mm

        left – 20 mm

Line spacing – 1

Author’s name should be in the right upper corner.

Paper title – capitalized bold centered

Leave a line to divide the name, title and body text.

Contribution should be accompanied with the following data in separate files: the author’s name, affiliation, address, academic status and e-mail address.

Participation fees: € 160

Participation fee includes:

• Excursions in St. Petersburg

• Mid-morning and afternoon coffee breaks

• Admission to sessions

• A printed copy of the Conference Program

Accommodation for the participants may be provided at the SPbSPU students’ hostel or nearby hotels.

Info: lingua.spbstu.ru

Valeria Chernyavskaya, organizing committee

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