10 апреля 2015


Dear colleagues!

Media Linguistic Comission of the International Slavisists Congress together with St. Petersburg State University ("Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communication" Institute) invite you to take part in the 4th International Scientific and Practical Seminar "Professional speech communication and mass media", which will be held as a part of the 54th International Scientific Conference "Mass Media in The Modern World. St. Petersburg Readings".

The conference will be held at 23-24 April, 2015.

At the seminar the current state and perspectives of research in professional communication in the media and through the media will be considered.

We offer the following questions to discuss at the seminar

1. Status of media linguistics inside linguistics.

2. Professional communication spheres in the media.

3. Professional speech communication in the media space of Public Relations.

4. Advertising speech communication in the praxeological perspective.

5. Concepts, categories, methods of analysis in media stylistics.

6. The typology of media speech.

7. Media text: structure, composition, vectors of renovation.

8. The functioning of the language in the media.

Conference languages: Russian, English.


By the beginning of the conference papers will be published. The publication is free (maximum 6 thousand characters). The papers should be sent to the Organizing Committee before the 10th of February, 2015 in a .doc file by e-mail (file name standard: Johnson JJ_papers) together with the application (file name standard: Johnson JJ_application). In the application please specify the following information: your full name, academic status, place of work and position, contact information, topic, form of participation.


• Format – A4.

• Edges – 2 cm on all sides.

• Font – Times New Roman.

• Size – 14.

• Line spacing – 1.5.

• Indentation – 1.25.

• Orientation – portrait, without pages, without syllabifications, preferably without footnotes.

• Equation editor – Microsoft Office.

• Formatting of the header complex should meet the following criteria. First name, last name of author(s), full title of organization (university) – on the left, italic, lowercase. Title of the article – in the center, without indentation, in capital letters.

• Abstract should contain no more than 250 words.

• Formatting of the body of the article: full justification.

• You only need to use in-text links according in compliance with the following standard: . Please do not use paginal footnotes, only numbered endnotes.

• The "References" section formatting: after the body, with the headline Literature in the center, without numbering, in alphabetical order.

• Below the full text of the article (after the Literature partition) please place a header complexs in English (the author(s), organization, title, abstract), using the same formatting as in the Russian version of the header complex. For the materials provided in English please do everything in the same order but in mirror reflection (an English header before the body, a Russian one after the References).

The organizing Committee reserves the right to reject applications that do not meet the theme of the seminar and materials, which do not meet the requirements above.


Please contact the secretary of the organizing Committee Tatiana Andrusina (Department of speech communication of the St. Petersburg University).    

Phone: 8 (812) 329 9459


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